Welcome to Fox's Picture gallery!
The second drawing of Fox. And the first totally rendered and researched picture of Fox I ever drew. Oddly enough, it is the most detailed. This was sort of a super drawn and colored in picture to later use for references, and also because I wanted to see if I could do it. It took about 2 months to figure out how to draw him. I had never drawn dragons before, except the head which I got down pretty well. But the biggest thing for me was it HAD to look like Fox was suppose to in my head. I had a mental picture of what I wanted him to look like, so I was extremely critical on myself. The wings took forever to figure out what kind I wanted and what placement, and everything else wasnt so bad. I did this in colored pencil in about 6 hours, pressing so hard I nearly ripped the paper a few times. All in all though, iI am very happy with the results, and i'm always looking back on it for references and improvements to make. In this shot, Fox is just happily looking out over everything from his cliff.
The next few drawings, I have my original sketch and then the final colored piece. I always scan in the draft before coloring, that way if I mess it up, i can go back and print myself another without redrawing the whole damn thing again.
Now then, for this one I knew i was going to use photoshop to make the lightning ball in his hands, so I drew it all up and put some lines where it would be at, then after coloring it fully as if it wasn't there(with colored pencils) I added my lightning ball ontop of it, then lit Fox using burn and dodge tools where he should be lighter and darker due to light source. If you went to the computer art page, you would recognize that ball from my compilations page. I made that by simply messing with lightning filters, loved it, then cropped it down small and resized it to fit in Fox's hand. Simple as that.
Fox this picture, the premise is suppose to be almost like a taunt. Like, "Sure buddy.. i'll fight.." and holding up the ball to be kinda intimadating. But he is ment to look very cocky here.
This picture took not very long to do actually. I knew the pose i wanted, the only thing i was worried about was foreshortening(when objects come out at you). Originally, i was going to have the sword at a horizontal, which is total foreshortening, but i oppted not to because it would be very difficult to draw. Whatever the case, this was fun to do. I love action poses, especially some that you can tell what the character has just done. Like this, it's apparent that he has just slashed down and across, and i added that little motion trail for effects. This was all done with colored pencil in about an hour.
This picture is meant to look as if Fox just slashes something, or air maybe, but is very determined and putting alot of energy into it.
This was a very interesting project due to many aspects.  First off, it was a school project, and had to follow guidelines. Like Fox has to be in the middleground, so he could not have high contrast (contrast goes: front-high, middle-med, back-low) so that was kinda tough. Also, i used a friend's character for that spikey haired person. His name is "Konzetsu" and I didnt really know exactly how he was supposed to look, plus I got his premission to use it. Lastly, the painting could only use colors that are "tertairy" don't ask.. but basically it ment that I could chose from the list of those colors, and then use only those. I picked Orange, yellow, violet and a greenish blue. So i did the whole painting in those 4 colors, with the exception of black and white, which aren't really colors. ONTOP OF THAT, the colors had to match the contrast scale, so only high contrast dark and bright colors in the front, med colors in the middle, and total blah in the back. I originally wanted this at night, but no black could be in the back, so that was out. But it was a pretty good one, especially since i tend to suck with paint, as well as trry to match the contrasts up.. very hard. But kinda cool.
The shot in this picture is or Fox charging power at his finger, while a fire blazes around the cliff, with konzetsu looking up, waiting for the attack.
More Fox pictures to come! after they are scanned. Or drawn of course.

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Of COURSE I would draw tons of pictures of Fox, right? well here they all are, And I have TONS. Not that I think any of you would, but these are MY drawings folks, so dont take them or rip them off, etc. at least, not without asking me first. If you really want one of these pictures, e-mail me and I can even resize one for you (but I doubt THAT would ever happen). I dont mind you taking the pictures, just dont claim you did them, sound good? The pages go in order from oldest to Newest. So, Do please check page 8 before you write me off as a no talent loser.  I like showing a progression, so the old drawings.. all the way back from YEARS AND YEARS ago, are up here. Anyway, enough of this intro. Bring on the art!

All Pictures created by Nathan Horsfall
Copywrite 2004 and beyond.
Fox Relations
Fox Frames(Animation)
This was another drawing that had that contrast factor. Foreground-high, middleground-medium, background-low.. I had to do a painting of this too, but it SUCKED and it's all because i chose trash paper.. bad call to use sketchbook paper.. but the black and white drawing turned out really well. I love his pose, especially the tail turning like it does. i went for a different approach to his eyes for the hell of it, and i still like my normal way of doing them. Go ahead and check this one out, the fire and lighting i really like too.
The actual size of this thing is about 14x17, pretty big huh?
This is somewhat like a Model sheet in animation, but not quite. We had to draw up some characters we might use in animation, and of course I may have done Fox again, but I had to draw a shot of him and some head studies. So here it is, his arm and sword position is a little off, but other than that Its not too awful. Those EXPRESSIONS are.. but this was my first true go around at that.
You'll also notice that I left off the necklace and other stuff, thats because if I animate it, I wouldnt want those on there, but I would remove the wings too.. Such a bitch to animate all that.. Anyway, I leave those off sometimes, usually just because I forget to put them.. heh
Heres something I had alot of fun doing! Just Fox goofing off. This was fun because it show alot of facial expression, and hell, expression all over,  which didn't used to do much. So this was fun, to have a bit of sillyness in all the serious pictures I have. The ONLY hard part about this was the face. The hand actually turned out to be really easy, and that lower one is bleh.. but i think i captured the moment ^_^
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These are pictures that are not Fox, but are either friends of him, or family, or something along those lines.
When at AIP, I had to take some 2d animation classes. Any guesses as to who I drew alot? Thats right, Fox! So over the years, I scanned what I could, and stuck them up here. The later animations aren't scanned though, because I started getting into multi-layer complexity, and then if  you don't see all the layers at once.. it gets confusing.
But if you were ever interested to see Fox moving, you can gather that out of the shots I took.
Since I've put this site up, some friends of mine have tried drawing Fox in their own special way, so i'll show them, along with the artist, here! I encourage anyone to give it a shot. even if you can't draw because as the first drawing shows, *I* couldn't draw Fox when I started, either!
Fox Fanart
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What kind of pictures would you like to see more of Fox in?
More violence!! I want action and..VIOLENCE!
More of Fox being calm, happy and the like.
More of Fox acting like a goof, or being messed with by others
More actual rendered pictures, rather than all these sketches
More Fox with his friends or family
I want to see Fox beat up and seriously kicked the crap out of
I'd rather see some more of human Fox, or Felicia for that matter
Some more of Fox's Darker side
I have my own little idea....(contact me please)

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This is the first drawing of Fox, ever. It's over 6 years old, and obviously VERY bad. Only redeeming qualities about it are the colors. those are REASONABLY okay. But obviously this is very very bad. No research of any kind went into this. Just using my imagination. Only here for your amusement!
Fox and Marie, flying through the air, though Marie is more or less being pulled.. heh
Firing a blast of electricity from his hands. This didnt turn out exactly how i wanted. But That was remedied in a later drawing.
Fox sulking basically, this was done really fast, with the least number of lines as possible. and i'm pretty happy at how well it came out, despite the simplicity.
Felicia. Fox's old female form. Creepy, i know. It's a RPing thing, and was done as a joke. This particular picture was done around '98, so it's really bad. She's a MAN BABY! AHHHH!!!
Fox's human form. Alot say he looks like a biker! which i find really funny, as well as scruffy. The pose is pretty good and I nailed that right hand, but thats about it! 
Fox Zandar: Fighter, Swordsman, and.. hardcore biker? o.O
Fox Comic
Just to add something more to the guild (FotHB) I started drawing a weekly strip with a friend of mine (Brandon Witte). All the archives are on here. 28 and still going!
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