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Just a picture of Fox being fed up with, whatever got him mad! I just wanted to draw him being very expressive. And although it's hard to understand what his problem is, you can see he's mad at SOMETHING.
Heres a very flexable pose showing alot of action to it. It's still one of my fav's.  So here's Fox doing a flip kick, to whatever is off the page that you cant see.. use your imagination!
Here we have another model sheet. As opposed to the one on the animation page, this one shows more about how to make Fox, and certain things about him. Back before I refined him, anyway. Now, I am somewhat nervious of putting this up here, because someone might try to rip Fox off, but dont plan on it, even if you did, I have lots of friends and LOTS of drawings of him. So I'll sue you to the ground! >=)  but for those of you NOT ripping me off, you can use this guide to help you make a Fox fan-art!
This is page 2 of that model sheet. Whys it blue? because the first page had to be inked, this is pencil. So anyway, the simplest way to put this, is that it's a page of posing, and facial expressions.
Now we start getting into pictures with more than just Fox posed in a blank backround. Here we have Fox slamming a fist into his main nemesis group, DRF. One thing about this picture, first, DRF is a group created by a friend of mine, Ali. You can find his page under "links" on the main index. But anyway, that character Fox is smashing, isn't anyone in particular, just a random DRF soldier. Only because I couldnt think of what his main one's looked like at the time..
This picture is a change from the usual action, energy pictures I tend to draw. It's Fox sitting on a rock, just looking out into the night sky happily. After a long day of fighting, it's always good to sit back and relax. One of Fox's favorite things to do, is stargaze.
Back to the action! This picture is designed for you to think about whats happened. A battle's been going on here, Fox is slashed up, beaten up and the place around seems to be up in flames. But what does that thing he's fighting really fully look like? And what was the battle that went on here, like? This picture is really cool because it makes your imagination, hopefully, fill in the blanks.
This picture is ment to look very dark, and it's supposed to display what Fox is like when he's menacing and dangerous. Not necessarily evil, but it's supposed to give the feeling that, if you didn't know any better, you'd think he was.
All pictures created by Nathan Horsfall
Copywrite 2001
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