Fox Relations
Here is the section with anyone Related to Fox, like family, or friends of his that I've actually drawn. I don't usually draw other people's characters, but there are some now, And I've also drawn alot more of Marie and Rax, so thats got extra stuff too! Enjoy!
Rax is Fox's brother, and an evil one of course. But instead of the typical evil brother bit, Rax comes by and tells Fox that he too is evil, from the clan of black dragons. The Zandar clan. This creates many problems for Fox, he too goes evil for awhile. And to make a long story short, Rax is killed.
Later, Fox and the gang end up breaking into the hell realm, and meet up with Rax again.
Now that I've explained that, onto the pictures.
The first is just Rax, normal, he's bigger than Fox because he's older, but is ment to have the same look, but jagged spikes, you know, an eviler look.
I couldnt really get Rax looking THAT evil, but when he was killed, i knew i would bring him back, so I started working on some ideas on how he would look as undead. Thus, the 2nd drawing, a sketch rather. I wanted to be sure i kept to his ability of fire, so i wanted to make it look like he was burned through in a few spots.. I had to look up some dragon skeletons to figure out the structure too. I actually found a site that talks about dragons as if they exists NOW! pathetic.. but good information for me.  The last picture is simply colored in with colored pencils, then dumped into photoshop and put a glow behind it to bring out detail more. I'm quite happy with the "Hell Rax" project ^_^
Marie Zandar
Marie is Fox's wife, i'm not going to explain all that, if you wanna read it you can click HERE and check it out.
Art wise though, I did this drawing for a friend, yes thats right, I didnt MAKE Fox a wife, a friend plays her. But anyway, to do this I looked at her profile on AOL and just had to kinda go from that. I sent her the sketch before I colored it so I was sure to get it right, and both times I sent her the art, she LOVED it. And she loves the final too, which makes me really happy because doing charcter pictures for others is hard. They have an idea in their mind on how the charcter looks, but you cant see that idea. And if they cant draw, well you cant even get a rough CLUE how to do it. So when it turned out exactly how she wanted, I was as happy as her. This goes down as one of my favorite pictures for sure.
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All pictures by Nathan Horsfall
Copywrite 2002 and beyond.
Characters Copywritten by their owners
Alex Pendragon
This was a project someone hired me to do, and I actually got money for it! *gasp* He gave me a description, and told me what he wanted, and I did the rest. This is actually a drawn character, with a backround created in photoshop, and put together with appropriate lighting.Anyway, this person is Alex Pendradon, as the title says, and he's more of an aquintance of Fox's than a serious friend. Still, he's known by Fox, so he goes here. Alex is a vampire, but he's got different things about him that sets him apart. I could try to go on about that.. but I probably wouldnt do it justice. If you reallllly wanna know, contact bloodwulf7!
Smoke Wolfwynd
This is a drawing I did for a friend of mine, who sent me a picture of a dragon he'd found on the net, and asked me to draw it in a flying pose, happy and etc. he gave me alot of descrption to work with, so this wasnt too hard. It's just a little bit more completed than a sketch, but it's no where near finalized. I dont intend to ever finish it though, because I couldnt get any money for it, and supplies that I would use to work on this.. are expensive. Plus.. I wouldnt want to do a final full color picture, with backround, for nothing. This works though, it's a good drawing I think, either way.
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Chase Zandar
Rax Zandar
Marie Zandar