When i play a character, i play him as real as i can. That means he can mess up, screw up, and have mishaps. Over the years Fox has had a few mishaps, some more serious than others, but there are some SEVERE ones that have impacted his life greatly. And here they are. |

My biggest and most important mishap is a spell that I screwed up. I originally cast it on myself as a joke, but it was too powerful and overtook me.. The joke was to look like my wife, Marie, and her to look like me. Because I used to have long hair as a human guy, and Marie made the comment of it being as long as hers. Things went from there, and I originally used it to just change my eye color and hair color, you know, kinda look like her but not BE her? But, the spell got out of hand... every day for a week i became more and more feminine.. Quite the experience.. i highly reccomend NEVER experiencing it.. Anyways, the result was being changed into a girl who looked pretty much like Marie. Luckily, i had a friend who was a pretty good at magic, and he helped me out. Basically he cast a counter spell on an object, which ended up being the necklace Marie gave me, to cancel out the spell. Now i have to wear it at all times to stay male.. if it's removed, i revert back to a human female.. To make matters worse, if anyone ELSE happens to put it on, the spell transfers to them. Meaning they need a counter spell of their OWN in order to retain their gender sex.. So if a guy puts it on, poof.. a girl he becoms.. and if a girl wears it, she turns to a guy. Unfortunately, i have a few friends who have found this out.. but if you're smart, YOU won't wear it.. unless you'd like to see whats the opposite sex feels like.. Since i am permenantly stuck with this problem, i gave my other half a name. Felicia. One last thing, the change isnt just psychical, it's mental too. Felicia is a totally different person from me, she is a girl, in every way there is.
*Update* While i THOUGHT i was stuck with this forever, one of my friends actually found a way to separate us. Noah did it, and after that, he and Felicia hooked up! can you believe it? They even had a kid! It blows my mind.. but i'm very happy for them. Best of luck you two! |

Like any character, to make him more real, Fox has some flaws to him. Again, some more serious than others, these are just the major ones. |
Too trusting: Some consider this a flaw with me.. others think it's good that i'm this way. Personally, i think it IS a flaw, but i have no intensions on changing it. I am too trusting, i am a good natured person, so i usually try to make friends with anyone who looks like they might be good. Sometimes it proves to be beneficial, and i end up with a new friend. Other times i get some bastard who really just plans on robbing me, or spying on the guild, or doing SOMETHING bad.. and being the sucker i am.. i don't see it until it hits me right in the face. But what is the alternative? Become cold hearted and very paraniod? untrusting? no.. i think i will continue to be kind to others and if someone takes advantage of me.. i'll make them pay for it.. |

Too easy on people: Another one of those debatable things to consider a flaw or not.. But i still consider it one. Running FotHB, i often run into people who have excuses for eeeeeverything, and do i toss them for it? Certainly not.. i take their excuses, and go easy on them, give them sympathy.. and this can only go so far until it because a point of being taken advantage of. Unfortunately, people are very open to taking advantage of any thing they can.. including kindness.. and I have been taken advantage of MANY times, but i just keep letting it happen.. Because i just can't be nasty to people if they have excuses.. reasonable ones of course. I've been called a pushover, but when people push me too far, i WILL lash back. The problem is usually that the lash back is far more detramentral then if i had just taken hold in the first place. |

Rage: Rage is by far.. my biggest flaw.. It has cost me many things..and has nearly cost the life of Marie and other friends. The origin for my rage is still undetermined.. but it centers around my childhood, and birth as an evil dragon in the Zandar clan. It feeds off the death of my human parents.. and my life growing up, just trying to survive.. for the most part, i can contain it, but if my friends or my wife is threatened, i fly off the hook very easily. If i ever have a rage fit around you.. you'd better pray for your soul.. because i absolutely lose it.. and my power increases immensely. This increase in power is what throws my mental stability out of wack, and i'm a loose cannon.. just violently destroying anyone in my path.. friend or foe.. Unfortunately, this is one flaw i couldn't change even if i wanted to.. and of course i want to.. but Rage is in my blood.. it's in my mind.. i'm always holding it back.. it will only go when i go with it.. |

All pictures by Nathan Horsfall Copyright 2002 |