Marie is my wife, my love, and the one thing i care about over anything else. She has always been there for me through thick and thin, hell and back. We have had great times, and we have had terrible times, but we still have eachother.. and that is all that matters. I met her in the Fellowship's tavern one night, this was before i had become the GC, in fact, i had barely been a member at all. The first time we met was nothing special, in all honesty. She was shy, and so was i for the most part, so we made a good friendship. Marie started hanging out with me at the church, for company on those lonely nights when i would guard it, which was really nice and also boosted our friendship. The more this went on, the more i began to actually get an interest for her to be more than just friends.. but i was the shy type, and never made much of an effort to express this feeling. What if she was freaked out? or laughed? or just plain never wanted a relationship like that? These were the thoughts that just ran through my head over and over and prevented me from ever saying anything. Even if she never knew, at least we would always be good friends. Then that one fateful night, i was rocked with misery and torn apart as i transformed into the dragon that i am now. After the period of DarkFox, things calmed down, but i was an emotional wreck. I hated myself, absolutely despised what i had become, for more reasons than one. But one of those reasons was that now i could never ever ask Marie to be more than just friends. I was a demon, a hideous monster, and no one in their right mind would ever even consider showing affection to such a creature.. or so i thought. She surprisingly still remained friends with me, helping me through my though time with sincere dedication. This amazed me, but i was also extremely overjoyed. In fact, all my friends stuck with me, none ever ran away because of what i had become, and i was so happy i could cry. Accepting that i was going to be stuck as a dragon, i decided to make myself a home, and hollowed out a mountainside in the region i named "Zandar Cliff". One night when it was just me and her up there, we got talking about everything that had happened,and i told her how i really felt before all of it, and how i still felt. But i also said that i hated what i had become, because now i would be stuck as a demonic monster.. and never have any kind of a relationship because of it. The next thing she did.. made my cry, but cry tears of happiness. She looked over at me, told me i was wrong to say such things, and that i was "beautiful" not a monster, not some beast, but beautiful. That was the happiest moment in my entire life. I was shocked, and so happy i didnt know what to do, so i leaned over and kissed her, but quickly turned away because i felt i crossed the line. But then she pulled me back around and kissed me back.. and right then, i knew this was the girl i wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and after that night, we started going out. She never ceased to amaze me.. her choice to "date a dragon" totally disgusted her friends, and mine too, they would talk about how revolting it was, which made me feel lower than dirt. But she always defended me, told me to ignore them and often kissed me right in front of them just to gross them out.. heh.. oh man it was great. Those were fun times.. but we still needed to take another step. Marrage. Again, i was totally nervous about even mentioning it, and in fact i never ever did, except to my friends. Finally i was convinced to propose to her, and she was the happiest i had ever seen her ever be before. Needless to say, we were married on June 17, 1999, after a few changes like me finding the abilty to get my human form back, and her trying out a dragon form, which she didnt care for.. heh. The first few months were wonderful.. but unfortunately they didnt last. Marie's family had a history of mental illness.. he mother had killed her father because she THOUGHT he was cheating on her, although he really wasn't. The same thing ended up happening here, she started losing it, getting vvery weird around me.. then i found out that she was hearing voices.. and when i asked her about them, she told me they didnt want me knowing what they said.. Obviously a serious problem, this went on for close to a month. Finally near the end, she almost killed me, the voices told her i was cheating on her.. and that i deserved to die, but she stopped herself from doing it. She was now a total mental wreck, and decided to get away from me for awhile until she could work this out. I gave her my necklace, which made me into a girl for 3 weeks while she was gone without having it on(long story, read about that under mishaps, HERE) as a guesture of how much i cared for her.. and that was that, she was gone, and i was left as a woman until she returned. But she did come back, about 3 weeks later, with everything worked out. This is when she told me of her family's history, and now it suddenly all made sense. I felt so much better knowing the cause for all this madness, and we continued with our happy lives. The happiness was shattered sometime around january 2000, when she finally told me that she had cheated on me before.. I have never felt so much pain.. psychical pain has nothing in comparison to emotional.. i wanted to die.. just kill myself, but i promised her before that i would never try again.. (i had done it before when i became a dragon) and i felt like i had died on the inside.. What made it worse, was that it was with my best friend.. Zeromus X, and the betrayal i felt from hearing that was like i had died a second time. I totally flipped.. i felt hatred for both of them, anger, overwhelming sadness and just all out fury. After my rampage on both of them.. mentally and psychically, we were able to find a reason for it, and as crazy as it sounds, it was justified. Marie had commited this crime against me during her time of mental breakdown, when she thought I WAS cheating, so to her it was getting back at me. Zero on the other hand, just wanted to make her happy, as she came to him one night in total sadness.. and i forget the reason why, probably because of her voices.. But he did what he did to make her happy, because he didnt want to lose her as a friend, and it was simply that. It ment nothing more, so i forgave the both of them. Since then, i said i forgave her, but i find myself having a hard time letting go.. many times have i almost jumped, and have jumped, to the conclusion that she is sleeping around again.. and she never is, i continue to torment her like that and it's driving us both insane.. I wish someone would wipe my memory clean so i never remember it, and we can go back to the fairytale marrage that we previously had.. but things are slowly getting better. She is pregnant now, has been for about a month or so, and soon she will be giving me the family i always wanted.. so i must, and WILL force myself to forgive her, wholeheartedly, and raise our child in an honest relationship that has so much love to give. 7/20/00 Our lives were changed forever, and for the best tonight, as She finally gave birth to two magnificent children.. Twins, but of different sexes. The male is Chase, and the female we named Kiara. We had been fighting before this, last week even but we made ammends and this event makes every fight we;ve ever had nothing more meaningless than a scratch on a window. The two rays of hope and light will surely bring us closer together than we ever were before, and i just can't believe it's finally happened.. and we finally have a family to call our own.. Its a dream come true.. And i couldn't possibly be any happier. |

The tale of the dragon and the human that fell in love |

Marie is my wife, my love, and the one thing i care about over anything else. She has always been there for me through thick and thin, hell and back. We have had great times, and we have had terrible times, but we still have eachother.. and that is all that matters. I met her in the Fellowship's tavern one night, this was before i had become the GC, in fact, i had barely been a member at all. The first time we met was nothing special, in all honesty. She was shy, and so was i for the most part, so we made a good friendship. Marie started hanging out with me at the church, for company on those lonely nights when i would guard it, which was really nice and also boosted our friendship. The more this went on, the more i began to actually get an interest for her to be more than just friends.. but i was the shy type, and never made much of an effort to express this feeling. What if she was freaked out? or laughed? or just plain never wanted a relationship like that? These were the thoughts that just ran through my head over and over and prevented me from ever saying anything. Even if she never knew, at least we would always be good friends. Then that one fateful night, i was rocked with misery and torn apart as i transformed into the dragon that i am now. After the period of DarkFox, things calmed down, but i was an emotional wreck. I hated myself, absolutely despised what i had become, for more reasons than one. But one of those reasons was that now i could never ever ask Marie to be more than just friends. I was a demon, a hideous monster, and no one in their right mind would ever even consider showing affection to such a creature.. or so i thought. She surprisingly still remained friends with me, helping me through my though time with sincere dedication. This amazed me, but i was also extremely overjoyed. In fact, all my friends stuck with me, none ever ran away because of what i had become, and i was so happy i could cry. Accepting that i was going to be stuck as a dragon, i decided to make myself a home, and hollowed out a mountainside in the region i named "Zandar Cliff". One night when it was just me and her up there, we got talking about everything that had happened,and i told her how i really felt before all of it, and how i still felt. But i also said that i hated what i had become, because now i would be stuck as a demonic monster.. and never have any kind of a relationship because of it. The next thing she did.. made my cry, but cry tears of happiness. She looked over at me, told me i was wrong to say such things, and that i was "beautiful" not a monster, not some beast, but beautiful. That was the happiest moment in my entire life. I was shocked, and so happy i didnt know what to do, so i leaned over and kissed her, but quickly turned away because i felt i crossed the line. But then she pulled me back around and kissed me back.. and right then, i knew this was the girl i wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and after that night, we started going out. She never ceased to amaze me.. her choice to "date a dragon" totally disgusted her friends, and mine too, they would talk about how revolting it was, which made me feel lower than dirt. But she always defended me, told me to ignore them and often kissed me right in front of them just to gross them out.. heh.. oh man it was great. Those were fun times.. but we still needed to take another step. Marrage. Again, i was totally nervous about even mentioning it, and in fact i never ever did, except to my friends. Finally i was convinced to propose to her, and she was the happiest i had ever seen her ever be before. Needless to say, we were married on June 17, 1999, after a few changes like me finding the abilty to get my human form back, and her trying out a dragon form, which she didnt care for.. heh. The first few months were wonderful.. but unfortunately they didnt last. Marie's family had a history of mental illness.. he mother had killed her father because she THOUGHT he was cheating on her, although he really wasn't. The same thing ended up happening here, she started losing it, getting vvery weird around me.. then i found out that she was hearing voices.. and when i asked her about them, she told me they didnt want me knowing what they said.. Obviously a serious problem, this went on for close to a month. Finally near the end, she almost killed me, the voices told her i was cheating on her.. and that i deserved to die, but she stopped herself from doing it. She was now a total mental wreck, and decided to get away from me for awhile until she could work this out. I gave her my necklace, which made me into a girl for 3 weeks while she was gone without having it on(long story, read about that under mishaps, HERE) as a guesture of how much i cared for her.. and that was that, she was gone, and i was left as a woman until she returned. But she did come back, about 3 weeks later, with everything worked out. This is when she told me of her family's history, and now it suddenly all made sense. I felt so much better knowing the cause for all this madness, and we continued with our happy lives. The happiness was shattered sometime around january 2000, when she finally told me that she had cheated on me before.. I have never felt so much pain.. psychical pain has nothing in comparison to emotional.. i wanted to die.. just kill myself, but i promised her before that i would never try again.. (i had done it before when i became a dragon) and i felt like i had died on the inside.. What made it worse, was that it was with my best friend.. Zeromus X, and the betrayal i felt from hearing that was like i had died a second time. I totally flipped.. i felt hatred for both of them, anger, overwhelming sadness and just all out fury. After my rampage on both of them.. mentally and psychically, we were able to find a reason for it, and as crazy as it sounds, it was justified. Marie had commited this crime against me during her time of mental breakdown, when she thought I WAS cheating, so to her it was getting back at me. Zero on the other hand, just wanted to make her happy, as she came to him one night in total sadness.. and i forget the reason why, probably because of her voices.. But he did what he did to make her happy, because he didnt want to lose her as a friend, and it was simply that. It ment nothing more, so i forgave the both of them. Since then, i said i forgave her, but i find myself having a hard time letting go.. many times have i almost jumped, and have jumped, to the conclusion that she is sleeping around again.. and she never is, i continue to torment her like that and it's driving us both insane.. I wish someone would wipe my memory clean so i never remember it, and we can go back to the fairytale marrage that we previously had.. but things are slowly getting better. She is pregnant now, has been for about a month or so, and soon she will be giving me the family i always wanted.. so i must, and WILL force myself to forgive her, wholeheartedly, and raise our child in an honest relationship that has so much love to give. 7/20/00 Our lives were changed forever, and for the best tonight, as She finally gave birth to two magnificent children.. Twins, but of different sexes. The male is Chase, and the female we named Kiara. We had been fighting before this, last week even but we made ammends and this event makes every fight we;ve ever had nothing more meaningless than a scratch on a window. The two rays of hope and light will surely bring us closer together than we ever were before, and i just can't believe it's finally happened.. and we finally have a family to call our own.. Its a dream come true.. And i couldn't possibly be any happier. |

"If this is all a dream.. don't wake me, I'd rather live the dream, than wait for my dream come true" |