Here we have Fox doing one of his favorite things to do. Spending some time with his wife, Marie. I hadn't drawin any pictures of Fox with Marie until this one, so it's about damn time I did! I appologize if this picture gets confusing. With Fox's tail, and Marie's (she had a fox tail for awhile), and her dress on his leg, and her hair overlapping his arm.. and etc etc.. sometimes things get lost in there. It would be much easier if I colored it, but sorry guys! don't have the time! |
This is just a picture of Fox doing some practicing. He usually beats rocks to dust to get his punches more powerful and his scales tougher. Well, on his hands anyway. |
This picture was quite a challange to draw, but I'm pleased with the end result. It's ment to look like you're looking up at Fox, whether on the ground, or on the cliff edge, whatever. This is what's called "extreme perspective" and it's used to make the object look bigger than it really is. While this isn't TOO extreme, since I've never tried something like this (well I have, but failed) before, I'm very happy with how it looks. |
What better spot to put this picture on the one with a flaming backround? Nothing complicated here, it's Fox letting loose a fire stream. I realized awhile back ago that I didnt actually have any pictures of Fox exercizing his flame ability, so I made quite sure to fix that oversight. |
And it's more happy time with Marie! The reason it's taken me so long to draw Fox with Marie is mainly because Marie isn't my charcter, so it takes me awhile to draw her reasonbly close to what I THINK she looks like. I did draw a picture of her that I fully rendered (in the relations page) but still, it's not my character, so I rework it alot. Anyway, this is just Fox and Marie having fun, or, "frolicking" if you will. |

Now before you start calling me a sicko, let me explain the reasoning behind this picture. If you know Fox, then you already know exactly what I'm talking about. Often when I RP him, if people want to mess with him they stick him in tutu's. Why? I really have no idea, I guess it kills his whole menacing look, but whatever the reason, this happens QUITE often, So I decided to draw it. Those of you who know Fox, I hope this gave you a good laugh! Oh and the actual picture is totally blue, I just added the pink in photoshop. This is what I mean by being messed with by friends. |
All Pictures created by Nathan Horsfall Copyright 2002 and Beyond |